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Around the World
with Copper+Crane

Creatively, Copper+Crane™ made for an exciting foray into the world of high-end goods—from developing the brand's origin story to writing travelogue-style articles exploring its ethos as a purveyor of luxury personal care products. Working closely with a talented Art Director, we created the “sensorial world" of Copper+Crane™ across every facet of its existence from print to digital. This included tactile elements designed to create a lavish experience through story-driven packaging as well as an immersive website adventure that took consumers on a global journey while learning about the ingredients and inspiration behind each product in the collection.


Ultimately, the Copper+Crane™ brand folded after a couple of years on the market due to limited investment dollars. And while I was sorry to see it end, I’m still quite proud of the beautiful and evocative work we created across all of its touch points. Plus, I still have an amazing copper-based Radiance Mask I haven't used yet.

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