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Curating Experiences
with Long-Form Content

Creating content that extends beyond the product and resonates with consumers on a personal level is key to building brand loyalty. That’s the role long-form content can play in the shape of topical blog articles, entertaining listicles, recipe suggestions, DIY crafting ideas, home décor tips and more. They’re also a great way to tap into one's personal knowledge and expertise when writing about subject matter that resonates with your own values and interests. Some of the best writing I've done for this channel drew on topics I was already interested in or wanted to know more about as a naturally curious person.


Here are some excerpts from a series of travelogue-style articles I wrote and copy-edited—all based on extensive research provided by a team of junior copywriters I led on this project. Curating information about a wide variety of global customs and locales, we created an expansive library of destination articles that played back to the inspiration behind the brand's product ingredients. It also created a forum for the brand to share its own perspective on health, wellness and beauty.

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