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Romancing the Tone:
Packaging & Story Copy

Regardless of the copy style I'm tasked with establishing, I’m always a creative storyteller at heart. It’s my job to tease out something unique and original about the brands and companies I write for and find a way to make an emotional connection to consumers that helps build brands of the heart. To get there, I always start by thinking about the products and services I love and why they matter to me. So, whether the copy content I'm developing is meant to stand the test of time or exist for only a moment in time, I look for similar ways to capture why the brand should matter to its intended audience.


Here’s some of the creative and romance copy I’ve written for a variety of national brands and products to help tell their story across multiple channels. The examples here include a brand ethos to announce a new product launch, an explanation of a brand's mission in their creative guidelines and introductory packaging copy written to engage consumers at shelf.

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